About LCloud

LCloud (legally registered as LCloud Productions, LLC) was officially registered on July 1st, 2020 in Virginia. 

LCloud Productions: An independent production company working to create feature films, short films, television shows, video content, and other media….Find out more here! 


The logo symbol in the middle (dark grey book with blue pages, opening to reveal a camera coming to life out of its pages, on a white background) belongs to LCloud MediaStudies:

LCloud MediaStudies: A group created so that independent students can learn together to further their knowledge and skills in filmmaking without having to go to expensive film schools. By working together, we can help each other to succeed!….Find out more here!


The last logo symbol, the one on the right (red letter C [for Cloudy] overcasting a green letter F [for Film] in the center, with a blue letter J [for Journey] on the right. Letters form together to make a circle with the F in the middle.) belongs to CloudyFilmJourney:

CloudyFilmJourney: A video vlog series created to have a video diary of sorts, of experiences, learning curves, and emotions felt while trying to become a filmmaker. Follow me, Lakota Cloud, as I try to lead my company to success and become a successful filmmaker!…Find out more here! 




Picture of Lakota Riddlesperger (Cloud is his mother's maiden name) Owner and manager of LCloud Productions, LLC.


Meet me, Lakota Cloud (legally Lakota Riddlesperger until I change it, Cloud is my mother’s last name, and the name I normally use) 


I began dabbling in filmmaking in 2009 at the age of 13. My brother and I had come up with some ideas to try on YouTube, I picked up my camcorder and got to work. 

My first videos were…how do I put this…terrible. The lighting was bad, the sound was horrendous, and the video quality was pixelated. I didn’t even know how to edit properly (my first videos were recorded straight from the computer’s record and pause button). 

After I created a few videos I decided I would try to do my first real edit! I downloaded a free editing software and tried it out. I had a title, credits, and not much else. I was so excited to finally have an edited video, though I knew the quality was still not good. 

As I continued making more videos, my skills improved. I would look up reasons why certain things were happening (green screen not keying, blur when editing, etc) and try to fix them in my next video. 

A few years later I had more experience and a full time job at a fast food restaurant. I used all of my money to buy new filming equipment, gear, and editing software. 

After I moved from my parents house, I decided to try to get some crews together. I created two volunteer crews (one in VA Beach, and one in Richmond). While the quality still wasn’t great, it was definitely getting a lot better! 

More Recently

I applied to a cinema program in the fall of 2020, but was unfortunately denied. I decided to spend the rest of the year formulating this company, and planning for the future! 

I always planned to start my own independent production company, but I was waiting until I finished school. As fate would have it, I would be creating my production company sooner than I thought.

But that wasn’t all I wanted to do. After talking with my amazing wife, when I was feeling anxious and worried about what the future of my filmmaking career would be, she helped me come up with the idea to create a YouTube vlogging series which became CloudyFilmJourney. 

She thought it would be a good idea to have an outlet for my feelings and experiences, and I agreed fully. I thought what better way to do that then to let it out there for other’s to see, so that if they experienced the same things as I did, we could connect and create a community for filmmakers to come and share their experiences, struggles, failures, and successes. 

Right after I was denied from the cinema program, I was feeling down and a little depressed. My wife helped me, prayed for me, and got me to think about what I could do with this new time that I would have. I thought about it, and prayed myself, until I had an idea pop into my head while I was at work! What if I could bring school to me? What if there was a way that I could learn filmmaking, connect with others that were passionate about film like me, and create content with on-hands learning like I would have if I had gotten into the cinema program? That is where LCloud MediaStudies came from! 

With LCloud MediaStudies I hope to bring independent filmmakers together, that are passionate about film and cinema production like I am, that can learn, grow, study, and help each other to succeed in the film industry. No waiting for approval or denial from a school due to limited room, and no high tuition costs. Just volunteering to help each other out as we all gain experience and improve our skills in the film industry! 

Being denied from the cinema program was saddening, but it gives me great hope that I can make this company succeed! With Productions, MediaStudies, and CloudyFilmjourney, I know LCloud Productions, LLC can accomplish its goals!